
The Libertines

The Libertines The Libertines
  • Rock
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The Libertines Affiche Concert Olympia Paris

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Presented by : Super !

The Libertines arrived in the late nineties like a raging bull in a tired post-Britpop china shop and introduced the world to a new gang of London bohemians, whose ragged tunes, red military tunics, opiated poetry and ‘live now pay never’ lifestyle came to defined the millennial angst of the early noughties.

At the heart of the band is the blood bond bromance between the ramshackle Music Hall Jagger/Richards, Peter Doherty and Carl Barat, ably assisted by the rock solid rhythm twins John Hassall and Gary Powell.

The origins of The Libertines began in smoggy London in 1997 after Peter Doherty and Carl Barât met when Barât was studying drama at Brunel University and they moved into a flat together in Camden, North London. The chemistry between them created all manner of music, poetry and mayhem.

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