

Post Site Actu En

ℹ️ Le Petit Olympia is getting a makeover !

We will be closed for renovations starting January 24th 2025 at 11 PM, and we will reopen on March 3rd 2025 at 12 PM with an exciting new menu crafted by the talented Quentin Giroud.
We can’t wait to welcome you back!

Façade Copie

📻 France Bleu podcast's En tête à tête

Every week, in L’Olympia, Laurent Petitguillaume promises you a moment in complete intimacy with those who make cultural news. A sort of face to face, eye to eye. Jarry, Barbara Pravi, Michel Jonasz, Nicoletta and more: their interviews can be discovered every Saturday at 4:28 p.m. live on France Bleu or in replay.

Actualité Playstation Olympia Concert Paris

🎤 Be a rockstar with the PlayStation experience

Before your concert, live the stage feelings with the PlayStation experience: strike a pose, make a big smile et post your best picture on social media with the hashtag #PlayStationOlympia. You can also try to win 2 tickets for a concert by flashing the QR code!    

Actualité Resell Olympia Concert Paris En

🔁 The official resale platform is open

It is now possible to resell and buy tickets on the official L’Olympia resale platform. Only The Kills, Ghinzu and Royal Blood concerts are available for now, but we can’t wait to offer you more!

📖 "Scène de Légendes" L'Olympia's brand new book is out

L’Olympia, what a story! A story that has lasted for 130 years. We wanted to tell it in a book released by Le Cherche Midi editions. “L’Olympia, Scène de Légendes” is a very graphic book which reveals the alchemy which makes L’Olympia, for 130 years, a place where every show is a unique meet between an artist and its public. Interspered by testimonies by artists and promoters, it tells L’Olympia as theses times’ soundtrack and points tomorrow’s stage stakes.

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