

Keane Keane
  • Indie / Folk
  • Pop
  • Rock
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Keane à L'Olympia

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‘Hopes and Fears’ was a landmark album for Keane and has set all kinds of records in the process. It’s one of the best-selling albums in UK chart history having sold over 2.5 million in the UK in its first year, and a million in the USA propelled by their absolutely classic song ‘Somewhere Only We Know’. ‘Hopes and Fears’ is 9x platinum in the UK, a remarkable achievement. The album has sold over 10 million copies worldwide.

Keane emerged alongside a new vanguard of bands that would change the shape of music: Snow Patrol, Scissor sisters, the Killers and Coldplay. They were the first to create a sound solely revolving around keyboards which enhanced the emotional pull of their songs. ‘Everybody’s Changing’ from ‘Hopes and Fears’ became a fan favourite and a top five hit.

In 2004 Keane were the biggest selling British artist in the UK. The following year they won two BRIT Awards: Best British Album for ‘Hopes and Fears’ and British Breakthrough act award as voted for by Radio 1 listeners.

‘Somewhere Only We Know’ has enjoyed a recent revival on Tik Tok going viral in Indonesia which lit the spark for a global renaissance of the track which is currently

clocking up two million Spotify streams a day, and in the past 12 months has become Island Records’ biggest selling single. In total it has been streamed over a billion times.

Next year’s tour will celebrate Keane’s acclaimed body of work from their imperious debut ‘Hopes and Fears’ through to their 2019 studio album ‘Cause and Effect’  

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